Friday, May 16, 2014

friday diy: detailed frame mats

happy friday babes! 
boy am I ready for the weekend, last weekend didn't seem quite long enough so everyday this week has been a little bit of a struggle. 
warm weather is upon us here(like in the 80s!!!) so you can find us outside at the park until sunday

today I am sharing a super easy + fun diy from little green notebook---

when making a photo gallery on the wall, there seem to be just two ways to add in color

1. colored frame(s)
2. picture inside colorful/ colorful artwork 

buttttt guess what, now you've got number 3

3. adding colorful detail to the frame mat

can you say simply genius?!

so simple + easy, yet makes a plain- slightly boring picture/frame exciting!

here is another example from little green notebook
all images from LGN

head over to LGN's page here to see her full tutorial her other ideas

enjoy your weekend babes, see you back monday! xo

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