I have always been envious of long distance runners.
growing up, from about the age of 8-15 I played competitive soccer. I didn't realize until I stopped playing soccer and focused more on volleyball how much- even then- my endurance had wilted. Since soccer is a game and not technically "straight running", I never really thought about how much I ran for practice and games. I haven't played any sports competitively since high school and it is quite pathetic how much my endurance has deteriorated.
we must live in one of the most active neighborhoods...ever. I see multiple people a day out running with their dogs, their jogging stroller, or their husbands. We also see tons of bikers everywhere(which I would love to take up one day....).
I had my baby boy in May of this year- about 5 1/2 months ago and have had him as my "excuse" to not get out and running.
March 1, 2014 my husband and I are running in the Phoenix half marathon.
oh boy. What have we done?!
since the marathon is 20 weeks away....we are able to do a training schedule, in case any of you have been thinking of doing a half-marathon, or if you are totally crazy & want to to a full marathon...I think you should go ahead and do it! We started this week(Monday) and I am sore. Big surprise.
we use this schedule but changed up the days a little to better fit our schedule- we run, monday/wednesday/friday/saturday